Weather Station Location in Adelaide: Golden Grove, NE suburbs. Lat: -34.78 Long: 138.70 Elevation: 173m (570 ft)

This Current Weather update every 10 minutes

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Current Values at Adelaide, South Australia

Current Outside Temperature  Current Outside Humidity  Current Outside Dewpoint  Current Wind Chill  Current Outside Heat Index

Current Wind Direction  Current Barometer  10 Mins Mean Wind Speed

Today's Rain  Storm Rain Total  Current Rain Rate  Monthly Total Rain  Yearly Total Rain

W at 11.3 kt
1019.2 hPa
Today's Rain
0.0 mm
Rain Rate
0.0 mm/hr
Storm Total
9.1 mm
Monthly Rain
25.7 mm
Yearly Rain
29.0 mm
Wind Chill
Heat Index
Today's Highs/Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

11.7°C   at   12:00a

11.7°C  at   12:00a

High Humidity

Low Humidity

92%    at  12:02a

83%   at   12:19a

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

10.6°C   at  12:00a

8.9°C  at   12:14a

High Wind Speed

20.9 kt   at  12:09a

High Barometer

Low Barometer

1019.2 hPa   at  12:14a

1019.2 hPa  at   12:14a

High Rain Rate

0.0 mm/hr   at  ----

Low Wind Chill

9.4°C   at  12:16a

High Heat Index

11.7°C   at  12:00a

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Wind Speed and Direction are measure at 10m (33 ft) which is an anemometer at the top of 10m standard pole.
Mean Wind Speed and Direction are 10 minutes mean and High Wind Speed is the highest since 10 minutes ago in between.
Temperature and humidity enclosed in the radiation shield inside the ISS measures at 1.7m (5.5 ft) above the grass in the backyard.
Rain gauge unfortunately cannot be on the ground in the backyard, it is at the top of the radiation shield which is 1.8m (6 ft) above the ground.
Please Notes for rain gauge: Rainfall resolution for this standard tipping bucket rain gauge is 0.01 inch or 0.254 mm per tip.
Please Notes: Weather station can rarely produce an error in either current weather or history. There is no guarantee that we can make it perfect data for it.